Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Producer TES
Made in Taiwan
device type Portable
Display screen 3-3/4 Digital LCD with Bar-graph
Working temperature 0〜40℃
Working humidity 80% max
AC Current 4m/40m/400m/20A
DC Current 4m/40m/400m/20A
DC voltage 400m/4/40/400/1000v
AC voltage 400m/4/40/400/750v
Range of resistance measurements 400/4K/40K/400K/4M/40MΩ
Frequency range measurement 100/1K/10K/100K/500KHZ
Battery 2pcs of “ AA “ 1.5V Battery
Sampling rate 20 times/sec of Bar-graph indication, 2 times/sec of digital display
Dimensions 184 (L) × 82 (W) × 42(H) mm
Weight Approx. 375g